Venetian glass is made in Venice on the island of Murano. Traditionally it is made with a soda–lime "metal" and is decorated with various "hot" glass-forming techniques, as well as gilding, enamel or engraving Production has been concentrated on the Venetian island of Murano since the 13th century and has a long history of innovations in glassmaking. It is Europe's major centre for luxury glass. Murano glassmakers developed a white-coloured glass which looked like porcelain and became Europe's finest makers of mirrors. Venetian glassmakers developed secret methods for making glass, and the concentration of Venice's glassmaking on the island of Murano enabled better control of those secrets. Venice's dominance in trade along the Mediterranean created a wealthy merchant class that was a strong connoisseur of the arts. Although wars and conquests interrupted the industry Murano glassmaking began a revival in the 1920s. Today, Murano and Venice are tourist attractions, and Murano is home to numerous glass factories and a few individual artists' studios. These three glasses are perfect yet dainty symbols of the skill of the Murano craftsmen with a great tradition of brilliance and creativity.
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